CYBER1 Q3 2020 Report: CYBER1 records 5.61m EUR for Q3 2020, whilst continuing positive developments in the reconstruction
Stockholm, Sweden– 30 November 2020 – Cyber Security 1 AB (Publ) (the “Company”) (“CYBER1”) (Nasdaq First North: CYB1), an international leader in Cyber Security services today announces its Q3 2020 report, recording 5.61m EUR in revenue for the period. Group Performance Total Group revenue for CYBER1 equated to 5.61m EUR for Q3 2020. Following the […]
Cyber Security 1 Applies for Reconstruction Extension and Confirms New Administrator
Cyber Security 1 AB (Publ) (Nasdaq First North: CYB1) has today lodged an application for the extension of the Company’s reconstruction proceedings for an additional three months. CYBER1 has been taking proactive steps to complete the reconstruction and has now enlisted financial advisors with operations in Stockholm to provide a comprehensive financial funding package to […]
Notice to extraordinary meeting in Cyber Security 1 AB (publ)
Aktieägarna i Cyber Security 1 AB (publ), org. nr 556135–4811 (“Bolaget“), kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma torsdagen den 26 november 2020. Mot bakgrund av rådande omständigheter kring coronaviruset (covid-19) och risken för smittspridning kommer extra bolagsstämman att genomföras endast genom ett s k poströstningsförfarande enligt tillfälliga lagregler. Detta innebär att inga aktieägare kommer att delta […]