CYBER 1: Notice for Extraordinary General Meeting

Aktieägarna i Cyber Security 1 AB (publ), org. nr 556135-4811 (“Bolaget”), kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma torsdagen den 27 augusti 2020 klockan 14.00 i Roschier Advokatbyrås lokaler på Brunkebergstorg 2, 103 90 Stockholm, Sverige. Mot bakgrund av rådande omständigheter kommer aktieägare även få möjlighet att delta på extra bolagsstämman genom att poströsta och lämna in […]

Annual General Meeting Bulletin 2020

Stockholm, Sweden – 30 June 2020, Cyber Security 1 AB (Publ) (“Cyber1” or the “Company”), (Nasdaq: CYB1, OTCQX: CYBNY), a leading supplier of cyber security solutions with operations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, announces that the 2020 annual general meeting (the “AGM”) of Cyber Security 1 AB (publ) was held on 30 June […]

CYBER1 Publishes Annual Accounts for 2019

London United Kingdom – 25 June 2020, Cyber Security 1 AB (Publ) (“CYBER1”), (Nasdaq:CYB1, OTCQX:CYBNY), a leading supplier of cyber security solutions with operations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, today publishes its Annual Report for 2019. The Annual Report contains an unqualified audit report and is presented in IFRS accounting standard. Detailing a […]

CYBER1 Confirms Publication Date for the 2019 Annual Report

London United Kingdom – 04 June 2020, Cyber Security 1 AB (Publ) (“CYBER1”), (Nasdaq:CYB1, OTCQX:CYBNY), has announced a revised publication date of the 9th of June, for the 2019 Annual Report. The change in date brings the 2019 Annual Report publication in line with the Cyber Security 1 AB 2020 AGM, scheduled for Tuesday, 30 […]

CYBER1 secures short-term liquidity Loan of €300,000 on favourable commercial terms

London United Kingdom – 28 May 2020 – Cyber Security 1 AB (Publ) (the “Company”) (“CYBER1”) (Nasdaq First North: CYB1) confirms that it has, on favourable commercial terms, secured a loan to provide operating capital for the continuing business operations of the Company whilst it undergoes a company restructure. The loan to the Company is […]

The Stockholm District Court Approves CYBER1’s Application For Corporate Restructuring

London United Kingdom – 12 May 2020 – Cyber Security 1 AB (Publ) (the “Company”) (“CYBER1”) (Nasdaq First North: CYB1) confirms that it has today received approval of its application for corporate restructuring. The business operations of the Cyber1 subsidiary companies remain unaffected by the corporate restructuring process. Lawyer David Rutegard, Law Firm Carler, has […]

CYBER1: Open Letter to CYBER1 Shareholders

London United Kingdom – 06 May 2020 – Cyber Security 1 AB (Publ) (the “Company”) (“CYBER1”) (Nasdaq First North: CYB1), has today published an open letter from the Group CEO, Daryn Stilwell. “Dear fellow shareholders, I am writing to you following the publication of our FY20 Q1 results and the recent announcement relating to the […]

CYBER1 Applies For Company Reorganisation, Whilst Continuing Operations

London United Kingdom – 06 May 2020 – Cyber Security 1 AB (Publ) (the “Company”) (“CYBER1”) (Nasdaq First North: CYB1), has today announced that, in light of current general trading conditions, the Company has decided to apply to the Stockholm District Court to approve an application for admission into a company reorganisation process. Following formal approval […]