CYBER1 Formally Concludes Reconstruction Process, Following the Settlement Of Remaining Creditors Dividend

Stockholm, Sweden– 28th June 2022 – Cyber Security 1 AB (Publ) (the “Company”) (“CYBER1”) (Nasdaq First North: CYB1), an international leader in Cyber Security has confirmed that it has formally completed the obligations under the reconstruction process. On June the 28th, 2021, the Stockholm District Court confirmed a compulsory composition agreement, entailing a 75 percent […]

CYBER1 Fast growing Fintech companies need cybersecurity in Africa

Fintech and start-ups have been one of the fastest-growing industries in Africa over the last couple of years. Many businesses since the pandemic are adapting to the cloud and need cybersecurity solutions to be secure in this environment. CYBER1 has great potential in this area. Kenya, along with Nigeria and South Africa, is one of […]

Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting of Cyber Security 1 AB (publ)

The Annual General Meeting in Cyber Security 1 AB (publ), reg. no 556135–4811, was held on 25 May 2022. The general meeting was conducted without the physical presence of shareholders, representatives and third parties pursuant to temporary regulations and the shareholders were able to exercise their voting rights only by post before the general meeting. […]

Q1 2022 Report: CYBER1 Records 21% Revenue Growth

Stockholm, Sweden, 23 May 2022 – Cyber Security 1 AB had a strong demand for software solutions and services for cyber security during the first quarter. Revenue increased to € 9.6m, which is an increase of 21 percent compared to the same period last year. If the last two years have been characterized by the […]

CYBER1: Investment in Cyber Security must increase in Africa

Africa has pinned its hopes for development of the fourth industrial revolution, 4IR, where internet of things is a crucial part. However, it is estimated that over 90% of African businesses are operating without the necessary cyber security measures in place. To mitigate cyber risks, more investment is required in cyber security as well as […]

CYBER1 Publishes Annual Report for 2021

Stockholm, Sweden – 4th May, 2021 – Cyber Security 1 AB (publ) (“The Company”) (“CYBER1”) (Nasdaq First North: CYB1), an international leader in cyber security, has published the annual report for the financial year 2021, with total revenue of €37.21 million for the period (2020 annual revenue: €27.36 million). Commenting on the annual report, Group […]

CYBER1 Subsidiary DRS Upgrades Mimecast Partnership to Elite Status

Sweden, 28th April , 2022: Cyber security specialist DRS, one of the CYBER1 subsidiaries has been upgraded from a Premier reseller to Elite status – the high tier in the Global Reseller Program, by its strategic partner Mimecast, a leading email security and cyber resilience company. The partnership development is an important milestone for the […]

Notice to annual general meeting in Cyber Security 1 AB (publ)

Notice to annual general meeting in Cyber Security 1 AB (publ) The shareholders of Cyber Security 1 AB (publ), 556135-4811 (the “Company“), are hereby convened to the annual general meeting on 25 May 2022. The general meeting will be held only by way of a postal voting procedure according to temporary legislation. This means that […]