Resolutions from Annual General Meeting in Cognosec AB on June 28th 2017

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The following resolutions were made at the AGM:

Adoption of the Financial Statements and the Annual Report for 2016

The Annual General Meeting of Cognosec AB (publ) resolved to adopt the submitted income statement and balance sheet, the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet for 2016. The AGM also adopted proposed dispositions of the Company’s result as presented in the Company’s Annual Report for 2016. No dividend will be declared for 2016.

Discharge of Directors and CEO from liability for financial year of 2016

The shareholders represented at the AGM, voted in unity to discharge all Directors and the Company’s CEO from liabilities for the financial year of 2016.

Election of a new Board of Directors, Auditors and decision on fees to Directors and Auditors

The AGM resolved to re-elect Directors; Lord David Blunkett, Patrick Boylan, Daniel Holden, Neira Jones, Kobus Paulsen and newly elect Lord Antony St John Bletso. Kobus Paulsen was re-elected as Chairman. Bjorn Elowsson, Anna Petre, Magnus Stuart and Dusyant Patel had announced that they were not available for re-election.

Lord Antony St John Bletso, born 1957, is a politician, businessman and solicitor, member of the House of Lords and represents the British Govenment in African affairs. Lord Antony St John Bletso is a Director of African Business Solutions, Non-Executive Director of Albion Ventures LLP and Chairman of the Governing Board of Certification International.

PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as Auditors, with Martin Johansson as responsible auditor until end of the Annual General Meeting 2018.

Director’s fee was resolved to SEK 65,000, for Chairman SEK 100,000. The Auditors will be paid in accordance to approved invoicing.

Guidelines for remuneration to senior management

The AGM resolved to adopt the proposed guidelines for remuneration to senior executives.

Authorization of the Board of Directors to issue new shares, etc

The AGM decided in accordance with the proposal, to authorize the Directors of the Board to issue, at one or more occasions, with or without deviation from shareholders preferential rights, up to 50,000,000 new shares, convertible bonds and / or warrants.

Nomination Committee

The AGM resolved to adopt the proposed principals for formation of a Nomination Committee.

All resolutions from the Annual General Meeting are set out in the minutes from the meeting, which are available for download at

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